To spin or not to spin? A session to be discussed December 1st at BioFIT 2016
How should TTOs choose between out licensing the IP, creating a spinoff or a contract-based R&D collaborations ?
What translation efforts don’t fit into this classical TTO model ?
How are these decisions taken ?
BioFIT is this year again the occasion to oppose point of views and learn from each other through an international panel !
On December 1st, at 2.30pm, in Van Gogh room, three TTOs, three continents, three different way to apprehend the matter will face each other in a panel, completed by a VC deeply involved in academic affairs:
- Katja Rosenkranz, V-Bio Ventures, BE
- Vivien Berlin, Harvard Tech Transfer Office, USA
- Andrew Tinger, Imperial Innovations, UK
- Doo Young Jung, Korea Rsearch Institute of Chemical Technology
To spin or not to spin? A session to be discussed December 1st at BioFIT 2016 Read More »