Lee Wen Hwa

CEO // Director– Affordable medicines Programme, Oxford Martin School

Lee is presently the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Scientist at Action Against Age-Related Macular Degeneration, a London-based research charity focused on tackling the leading cause of legal blindness in developed world at its earliest stages with maximum affordability and accessibility. He is also co-director of Oxford Martin School’s Affordable Medicines Programme, at the University of Oxford.

Previously, Lee directed the Disease Foundations Network at the Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC), based at the Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford. He is an experienced leader in setting up partnerships and alliances with multiple stakeholders to accelerate discoveries for drug discovery. He designed and implemented several strategies in two of the largest and most successful international public-private partnerships for drug discovery – the Structural Genomics Consortium and the European Lead Factory.

He is trained in Biology, Molecular and Structural Biology, Protein Crystallography, Computational Biology and Drug Discovery in diverse places such as Brazil (University of Campinas, Brazilian Synchrotron Source), USA (Scripps Research Institute) and France (Université Paris V).

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