How to differentiate as a potential partner on the crowded oncology playfield?


A toolbox session is designed to provide practical skills, easy-to-follow guidelines and take-home tools which delegates can put into practice to deal with their current issues.

Toolbox session

How to differentiate as a potential partner on the crowded oncology playfield?

Differentiation is key for a biotech start-up or an academic asset to be noticed and stand-up on the busy field of oncology. Similarly, spotting ideal partnership candidates for pharma proves increasingly difficult. How to take R&D to partnership with pharma? What is the recipe for a successful partnership in a packed sector? How to anticipate the hurdles of sailing an overloaded boat?

Michael Salako

Senior Investment Associate // New Ventures and Transactions Executive
United Kingdom
Start Codon // Cancer Research UK

Tobias Silberzahn

McKinsey & Company

Therese Liechtenstein

The Netherlands
M Ventures

Pierre-Michel Bringer

Investor Relations Officer
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