Tobias Vöpel

EIC LiveSen-MAP project coordinator // Co-CEO
GermanyTechnical University of Munich // Nutrisen

I’m a biochemist, co-founder and co-CEO of NutriSen GmbH and co-inventor of one key technology behind NutriSen’s sensor platform. I have experience as a project manager of multidisciplinary research projects, like ERDF SABERPRINT, ERC StG REDOX SHIELDS, ERC PoC LiveSen and ERC PoC eCONFIDENCE. From 2021 until 2023 I coordinated the research transfer project EXIST LiveSen, funded by the German BMWK, which led to the foundation of NutriSen GmbH. Currently, I’m the coordinator of the EIC Transition project LiveSen-MAP.

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