MAMOUN Robert Zaïne el Abiddine, Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder of Ciloa. PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology from Bordeaux University. Former Director of research at INSERM (French National Health and Medical Research Institute). Last academic position as Director of UMS3725 CNRS/Montpellier University, one of the largest BSL3 facility in Europe. More than 40 years of research (in France and in USA) in molecular and cellular biology, virology, oncology, viral immunology, phylogenesis, protein expression and molecular modeling. Co-inventor & inventor of patents at the origin of a disruptive technology of naturally customizing of exosomes allowing the development of new generations of virus- and adjuvant-free vaccines and of therapeutic vectors. Co-founder in 2011 of the pioneer Ciloa Company. Winner of Sanofi 2020 iTech award.