Biotech start-ups: Communicating the investment value of an idea as well as the science


Biotech start-ups: Communicating the investment value of an idea as well as the science

Funding for cutting-edge scientific discoveries is essential to enable the application of science at the pre-commercial stage. While the scientific breakthrough may be obvious, it is not always sufficient in itself, and identifying the commercial opportunities is essential to convince investors.  How is the commercial value of a scientific discovery identified and what to do once it has been defined?  How to effectively communicate the potential value of the science – which may not be realised for a long time – to attract talent and raise funds? How do you build trust with potential investors?


Moderator: Gerald Law, Chief Executive, Innovation DB

Bobby Kaura

Seed Investment, Global Entrepreneurial & Ecosystem Development
United Kingdom
Illumina For Startups

Alex Hamilton

United Kingdom

Thijs Cohen Tervaert

Junior Partner
The Netherlands

Dmitrij Hristodorov

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