Overview of the different models to nurture and de-risk innovative assets


Overview of the different models to nurture and de-risk innovative assets

The main challenge for an early-stage asset is to bridge the gap between initial research results and being an exploitable asset. Yet there are a variety of maturation models and initiatives, some of which combine public funding, technology transfer offices, the pharmaceutical industry and venture capital.  What are the current models for financing technology maturation? What are the different returns on investment of pre-venture capital tools? Which models currently work and which ones do not?


Moderator: Fausto Artico, Global R&D Tech Head and Director of Innovation and Data Science, GlaxoSmithKline

Rita Mendes

Venture Developer
The Netherlands
NLC – The European Healthtech Venture Builder

Niccolò Bacchi

Founder & Managing Director

Benedicte Menn

Technology Transfer Manager
United Kingdom
Oxford University Innovation

Jerome Samson

Investment Manager
European Investment Fund
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