How available to biotech start-ups have philanthropic and other sources of soft funding become today?

How available to biotech start-ups have philanthropic and other sources of soft funding become today?

All of these non-dilutive financing sources are becoming increasingly numerous thanks to both the emergence of interest expressed by many trusts and foundations in financing innovative start-ups, and also to the many governmental schemes that are devoted to financing the first steps
of biotech start-ups. How do these sources of revenue lead to real leverage effect or create constraints for the companies? What types of constraints do they expose biotech
entrepreneurs to?

Arezki Yaïche

Financial Journalist
Paris Bureau Chief – Mergermarket

Fatima Sulaiman

Head of Research and Services
United Kingdom
Scleroderma & Raynaud’s UK

Steve Poirier

Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder
MONOGENIC Pharmaceuticals

Maya Merrell

Director Business and Partnership Development
Fast Forward
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