December 2nd & 3rd, 2025
December 8th ,2025
Home » R&D dating for animal health and innovation
Today, public-private and private-private partnerships are thought to be the leverage that is needed for innovation. That is why the SIMV launched the “R&D dating for Animal Health and Innovation”, which strives to initiate high-level exchanges between research departments of the veterinary medicine and diagnostics industry and public research, as well as with biotechnology companies (start-ups).
By enabling face-to-face encounters, the event enhances the visibility of cutting-edge research in France and in Europe, encourages investments and leads to therapeutic innovation.
The organisation of R&D dating for Animal Health and Innovation during BioFIT makes sense. Indeed, today, it is obvious that the animal health industry offers a clear value proposition to human biotechnology companies, which can maximise the financial and clinical impact of their assets by leveraging both human and veterinary health.
The physio pathological features of several diseases (cancer, osteoarticular affections, infectious diseases, pain…) are progressively understood as at least common between animal and human. This paves the way to innovative products developed under the sign of a so-called comparative medicine.
Each year, following a call for projects, between 10 and 15 partnership proposals are proposed by academic research institutions or start-ups to animal health manufacturers.
This represents more than 200 appointments face to face with the 40 SIMV members.
The field initially covered in veterinary medicines and diagnostics now extends to medical technologies and data.
The “R&D dating for Animal Health and Innovation” business convention constitute a leading European event organised in France by its importance and by the number of institutes from different countries.
It is a meeting place for innovation stakeholders.
By taking part in the R&D Dating for Animal Health and Innovation, you register for BioFIT, allowing you to have access to:
– The partnering platform to pre-organise one-on-one meetings
– The conferences
– The oral presentations
– The exhibition area
Join the Animal Health Village within BioFIT Exhibition area and benefit from a greater visbility.
The pitch sessions offer the opportunity to detect the most innovative and promising start-ups, R&D projects, licensing opportunities and services in order to foster partnerships and business development in the Life Sciences field.
If you are interested in taking part in a panel discussion, please contact us.
While being the organiser of this meeting, the SIMV intends to federate research actors by actively contributing to meet the needs in animal health innovation. In particular, enhanced research is needed to supplement and renew all the arsenal for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and therefore research and innovation on this topic should be promoted.
Strong multi-disciplinary large-horizon partnerships are key to successful innovations for the future.
Join us for this very exciting event and drive tomorrow’s innovation!
With more than 1,000 international actors from 35+ countries, such as big pharma, emerging and small biotech, diagnostic companies, pre-seed / seed / Series A investors, as well as professionals from tech transfer, academia and research institutions, BioFIT is the leading partnering event in Europe for technology transfer, academia-industry collaborations and early-stage innovation deals in the field of Life Sciences. BioFIT is also the European marketplace for pre-seed, seed and Series A investment rounds in Life Sciences.
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Parc des exposition de Strasbourg – Hall 1
Avenue Herrenschmidt,
67000, Strasbourg, FRANCE
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