Conference insight
Conference insight – Shaping your start-up for an industrial exit or an IPO: Are these choices to be made at the very initial stage?
4 Dec 2018 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Decisions taken at the very initial stage have major consequences for the future development of start-ups with major pitfalls to be avoided. Is it crucial to picture the exit strategy as soon as the company is created? The session relies on its panellists’ stories to go over different approaches of IPO and exits for start-ups.
They will share their experiences:
- Lucie Ellis, Senior Editor, Pharma Intelligence | Informa (UK) – Moderator
- Peter Leonardi, CEO, OmniCyte (US)
- George Hoffman, Co-founder and CEO, Network Immunology (US)
- Rodolphe Besserve, Head SuFT Advisory, Start-upd & French Techs, Société Générale Corporate Investments and and Banking (FR)
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