14th edition


December 2nd & 3rd, 2025


December 8th ,2025


14th edition


December 2nd & 3rd, 2025


December 8th ,2025



Fondation Eclosion to speak at BioFIT 2016

Dear BioFITers,

This is our great pleasure to announce that the session “How can industry and investor incubator models accelerate research translation?” welcomes two heavy-league speakers within its panel.

First, Sabine Louet, Editor at Euroscientist in Dublin, and founder of SciencePOD , will moderate the panel, that Christophe Guichard, Director of Fondation Eclosion freshly joinded.

Completed by Magnus Bjorsne, Director of AstraZeneca BioVenture Hub and by Einat Zisman, Head of FuturX, the panel ought to be completed with a biotech that benefit from an incubator support, and that is now willing to testify on that past experience.

Do you want to join that panel, or BioFIT 2016 conference programme ? Contact us!

Fondation Eclosion to speak at BioFIT 2016 Read More »

Thank you to Boehringer Ingelheim for its support to BioFIT 2016

We are very pleased to count, this year again, Boehringer Ingelheim among our Sponsors, as a Bronze Sponsor.

As this organisation, join the BioFIT 2016 Sponsors and get the opportunity to:

  • Associate your image to the main tech transfer & partnering event of the sector
  • Bring out your ideas and technologies to the key players of innovation in Life Sciences
  • Enhance your visibility at an international scale
  • Show your expertise thanks to specific communication tools

Discover all the Sponsorship opportunities.

Contact us to receive a personalised offer that will suit your needs.

Thank you to Boehringer Ingelheim for its support to BioFIT 2016 Read More »

Peter Gruss, former president of the Max Planck Society to join BioFIT 2016 speaker crew!

Dear BioFITers,

We hope that you are spending a lovely summer whether you are working, travelling or relaxing. BioFIT great news has no holidays, and we are very happy to reveal BioFIT 2016 keynote speaker:

We are very honoured to announce that Peter Gruss, former president of the Max Planck Society will open BioFIT 2016 plenary session with a 30-minute keynote presentation on  new models required for Academic-/biotech-/pharma-cooperations 

Professor Gruss keynote opening will then be followed by an-hour debate on “Is Europe competitive enough for innovation in Life Sciences?” discussed by a panel of experts, among who Piyush Unalkat, Principal of Equity Investments and Head of Technology Transfer & IP Investments at the Euroean Investment Fund, and Ron Newbold, VP External R&D Innovation, Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development for Pfizer USA

Don’t miss the session, be sure to be in Lille 30th November 2016 from 11.30 am to 1.00pm

Peter Gruss, former president of the Max Planck Society to join BioFIT 2016 speaker crew! Read More »

Why partnering?

As you know, the heart of the BioFIT 2016 event is the partnering activity: the one-to-one meetings. Thanks to the efficient partneringONE platform from EBD Group, you can pre-scheduled those meetings one month before the event and get the opportunity to meet potential partners and investors.

Plateforme 2

On the platform:

  • Create your profile
  • Maximize your time by selecting who you want to meet
  • Send requests
  • Meet your future partners (up to 30 meetings in 2 days)

Don’t miss this opportunity and register now for BioFIT 2016!

Why partnering? Read More »

New Media Partners

They support us!

Two new German Media have just joined the BioFIT 2016 Media Partners list: Life Sciences Serie from Going Public and European Biotechnology News.

As these Media, support BioFIT and:

  • Increase your visibility among 1,300 Life Sciences leading actors
  • Get a free pass to attend the event
  • Benefit from the opportunity to have your magazine displayed during the event
  • Schedule interviews with the Steering Committee Members and/or the participants

Are you a media specialized in Life Sciences, Biotechnology or Pharmaceutical Industry?

Contact us to become a Media Partner of BioFIT 2016.

New Media Partners Read More »

Presentation Sessions: on your mark, get set, … GO!

You are the innovation they need!

During BioFIT 2016 will be held the Presentation Sessions that include three different activities:

1. Start-up Slams: Dedicated to young entrepreneurs who are thinking about creating or have created an innovative company and having an overall strategy to present.

Present your overall strategy to potential partners and investors, receive feedback from experienced pharmas and VCs, and enhance your visibility thanks to a dedicated meeting space.

2. Science Slams: Dedicated to academic researchers having an early stage innovative R&D project to present.

Present your research idea to potential partners and investors, receive feedback from experienced pharmas and VCs, and exhibit a poster describing your R&D project. 

3. Licensing Opportunity Presentations: Dedicated to technology transfer professionals (or related structures) having a “’ready to be licensed” technology to present related to Oncology, Infectiology and Vaccines, Cardiology and Neurology.

Present your technology to potential partners and investors, and exhibit a poster describing your technology.

Don’t miss this opportunity! Register now for BioFIT 2016 and apply for the Presentations Sessions before 30th September to get your chance to be selected by the jury and pitch in front of an audience!

Presentation Sessions

Contact us!

Presentation Sessions: on your mark, get set, … GO! Read More »

Conference programme insights: Funding early-stage innovation

During its third track, BioFIT 2016 will address the major challenges which are shaping innovation funding for life sciences, including:

  • A case study of funding models for new ventures
  • Dos and don’ts from experienced entrepreneurs
  • A focus on the European seed capital market
  • Tips and tricks from VC’s about Series A financing

This stimulating track will focus on transmitting knowledge and optimizing key experts’ skills and experience.

Discover the Track 3 speakers:

  • Thierry Laugel, Managing Partner and chairman of the Management Board of Kurma Partners, FR
  • Philippe Monteyne, VC partner, Fund+, NL
  • Michèle Ollier, Co-founder and partner, Medicxi Ventures, CH,
  • Sam Fazeli, Head of Bloomberg Intelligence, EMEA; Senior Pharmaceutical Analyst – ‎Bloomberg, UK,
  • Jasper Bos, Vice President and Head of Healthcare, Merck Ventures, CH
  • Daniel Green, CEO, Yaqrit, UK,
  • Charles Woler, CEO of Biomnis, FR

Conference programme insights: Funding early-stage innovation Read More »

In-depth interview with Ron Newbold, VP External R&D Innovation at Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development (USA)

In-depth interview with BioFIT 2016 speaker Ron Newbold, VP External R&D Innovation at Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development (USA).

Ron, thank you for answering our questions. You have significant experience in external partnering in Life Sciences both in pharma (Merck, Pfizer) and in biotech (Sentigen Biosciences, Celldextherapeutics). You are now focusing on supporting research alliances at Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development. Based on this varied background, has your opinion of academic/industry collaborations changed over the years?

Definitely. Pharma has moved very aggressively to supporting collaborations with both smaller biotech companies and academic partners. We have moved from the old model of unrestricted funding to more targeted funding of specific collaborations and scientific programmes that align with our research interests.

Have you seen any new interesting developments in this area? 

Yes, we are now quite active in supporting dozens of partnerships globally (we have funded well over 100 in the past 4 years) and are also making seed investments into new companies as they are spun out of universities. We have seen a tremendous advance in incubators that have engaged pharma partners and there are a number of large companies active in this much needed area of entrepreneurship.

What would be your advice to researchers who would like to initiate collaborations in the Life Sciences industry?

It is important to share as much data as you can (in a non-confidential way) and relate what is new about science that will appeal to industry scientists. We are very interested in novel targets, enabling methods and technologies that can facilitate or accelerate drug discovery and development. We have huge scientific teams which can help to progress our teams’ work.

On 30th November, you will speak during the BioFIT plenary session “Is Europe competitive enough in Life Sciences innovation?”. Why is Pfizer involved in an event such as BioFIT?

Pfizer is very active in seeking partnerships across Europe and has established numerous collaborations in many EU countries. Europe is very competitive globally in my opinion and it is important for us to attend meetings and conferences where we can meet academics and entrepreneurs. These actors could have innovative science that could form the basis for a collaboration with industrial partners like Pfizer.

Based on your overall experience, how do you think we could further promote a culture of European entrepreneurial scientists? 

I would find it valuable to see regional or country-specific companies come together with key scientists from different fields. It would be useful for them to discuss the specific knowledge and though-leaders necessary to set-up a ‘cluster of expertise’ and the relevant company and academic background needed to achieve this. For example, have the academics studied in single or multiple locations and subsequently moved across Europe to continue to build upon their training?

It would also be helpful to hear from investors/VCs to speak about the latest trends and areas of investment activity, especially where they differ from those in the United States.

On a more personal note, what motivates you? 

I get very inspired when I see highly-motivated and enthusiastic scientists talk about what they are doing and how it is going to help patients one day. Sadly, this in not often part of a company’s story, but I think that keeping a focus on the people who are suffering from disease and working to show how their lives may be improved is very motivating and inspiring.

In-depth interview with Ron Newbold, VP External R&D Innovation at Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development (USA) Read More »

New Supporters

They support us!

We are pleased to welcome Bioga and Medicen among our Main Supporters. As these organisations, become a BioFIT 2016 Supporter and:

  • Increase your visibility among 1,300 Life Sciences leading actors
  • Get a free pass to attend the event
  • Offer your members an incredible 25% discount to attend the event

Check the BioFIT 2016 Supporters list here.

Contact us to discover all the other benefits!

New Supporters Read More »

Book your booth at BioFIT 2016

Hurry up, places are limited!

Major actors in the Life Sciences field have already confirmed their participation to BioFIT 2016 as exhibitors. Get the opportunity to gain more visibility and:

  • Be identified as a key innovative actor in Life Sciences
  • Reassert your corporate focus on innovation
  • Accelerate your business strategy
  • Benefit from additional networking opportunities

Discover the exhibition offers and choose the booth that best serves your needs.

Book your booth at BioFIT 2016 Read More »

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