14th edition


December 2nd & 3rd, 2025


December 8th ,2025


Save the date – IDEA Summit 2014

Lund University & Eurasante are delighted to launch the 2nd edition of IDEA Summit

After its 1st launch in 2013 in Lund (Sweden), IDEA Summit comes back to Lille (France) on December 2 & 3, 2014.

Unique European event dedicated to collaboration, translational research & technology transfer in diabetes, IDEA Summit aims at:

  • Fostering academia / industries collaborations
  • Accelerating technology transfer
  • Sharing best practices for successful collaboration/research projects

IDEA Summit offers:

  • A one-to-one partnering session enabling Pharma, Biotech, TTOs & Academic Scientists to explore licensing & collaborative opportunities
  • A conference program dedicated to shed light on recent innovations and clinical achievements in the field of diabetes


Plenary Session: 2013-2014 Breakthroughs and innovations in the field of diabetes

A general overview of the last findings in the field of diabetes that have occurred during the last months. The most important events, the major breakthroughs might be summarized in order to answer the question “what has been done in diabetes for the last months?”
Different stakeholders will bear witness to their point of view.

Track 1: What do you expect as a good level of maturity of finding? Too early stage for me guy!

In research collaboration between academia and industries, what is given and what is expected are different and it results that both parts are disappointed. Which type of research fields interest academia, biotech and pharma? Research institutes have to agree with biotech and pharma industries and define what is done by each actor and where does the translation start. Biotech and pharma have to clearly define what they wait from academia in term of patents and results.
In order to organize everything and have good relationships between academia and industries and to accelerate the pace of innovation in diabetes, we have to define and decide what each actor awaits the others, which place takes each stakeholder.

Track 2: Is stratified/personalized/precision medicine one of the paradigm on which we could grind our collective efforts for research in diabetes?

Despite advances in pharmacology, not all patients respond favorably to drugs. Do we need to develop new drug generation? Actually there’s no innovative idea neither new target.
To cross out the lack of future innovative treatments, we need to develop an integrated approach that looks for patients and treatments and to adapt treatments to patient. In that way we don’t need only therapeutics results but also diagnostics results.

We trill try to answer the following questions:

  • What are so far the interesting of relevant subjects that have been hand out?
  • What is the value of stratified medicine in the field of diabetes? What is the reason why there are so few things?
  • What do diabetic patients, researchers and pharma expect
  • Is stratified medicine the right direction to take to improve diabetes care?

Track 3: Do we need a European joint diabetes research agenda? Who should contribute to it? What should be the goals of this joint research agenda?

Many companies and research institutes are getting more and more involved in consortia of different sizes in order to work together around specific questions they all want to answer to. Their organization can be different depending on the number of partners involved and the questions addressed. We need to have a global vision of these consortia, to know where they are going and what they miss.

Some questions will be asked to lead the debate:

  • What should be the role of all stakeholders in a European joint diabetes research agenda? How can they organize together?
  • Looking at IMI and H2020 projects, can we consider all the priorities in the field of diabetes are taken into account? If not, do we need other system for European initiatives to cover diabetes innovations?
  • DO H2020 and IMI cover comprehensively diabetes research priorities?


 Discover the website

SPONSORED BY Astra Zeneca, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi

IDEA Summit’s 2nd edition is jointly organized with the 3rd European Genomic Institute for Diabetes (E.G.I.D.) Symposium
On December 2nd, E.G.I.D. Symposium will focus on meta-inflammation in diabetes and its complications.



Vincent Tavernier

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