14th edition


December 2nd & 3rd, 2025


December 8th ,2025


Several other events will be hosted before and during BioFIT. These represent even more opportunities to meet potential partners and share best practices in various fields.

idea_summit2016IDEA Summit
30th November and 1st December
Organised by the Lund University Diabetes Center, Eurasanté and the NHL Cluster, and supported by Ascenion, AstraZeneca, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi, the IDEA Summit is a unique European event entirely dedicated to collaborative research and technology transfer in the field of diabetes. The aim of this meeting is to be a platform for dialogue and strengthen links between academia and industry. We hope that exchanges and discussions at this event will stimulate collaborative research for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diabetes and its complications.

At previous editions of the IDEA Summit’s, academia and industry made progress in understanding each other’s strengths and driving forces. However, there is still a great need to develop new ways of stimulating interaction and sharing knowledge and resources more effectively. We would like to go even further and involve patients, by creating sustainable links between academics and clinicians.

The 4th edition of the IDEA Summit is proposing:

  • On 30th November: A conference programme highlighting recent innovations and clinical achievements in the field of diabetes
  • On 1st December: One-to-one partnering sessions, during BioFIT, enabling pharma, biotech, diagnostics companies, research institutes, academia, TTOs and investors to explore licensing and collaborative opportunities.

Please find more information at www.idea-summit-diabetes.com

EGID Symposium

29th November – 30th November
Organised by EGID, the European Genomic Institute for Diabetes, the 4th edition of EGID Symposium is hosted by BioFIT and organised in collaboration with IDEA Summit (www.idea-summit-diabetes.com). The committee and speakers – world leaders in their fields – will present the latest scientific advances in diabetes and related disorders. This symposium provides an opportunity for young researchers to present their work via poster presentation and to win the “Best Poster Award” of up to €1,000.

Please find more information at www.biofit-event.com/hosted-events/egid-symposium

30th November and 1st December
Organised by the SIRIC ONCOLille, an Integrated Cancer research consortium in Lille, supporting clinicians and researchers in the field of oncology, ONCOLille Days features a programme of conferences and poster presentations around oncology. The translational research consortium ONCOLille is promoting a swift transfer between basic and clinical researches in the Lille area on two major issues of modern oncology: the tumor resistance to loco-regional treatments and the tumor dormancy (or resilience) after remission.

During the scientific symposium, the SIRIC ONCOLille Days, researchers will present their latest discoveries on the molecular mechanisms explaining the tumor cell resistance to treatment (MET receptors, MUC4-ErbB2 complexes, calcium canals involvement, immunosuppressive role of regulatory T cells…) or explaining cancer cell persistence after treatment (immune-evasion due to PD1-PDL1 interactions, tumor cell clonality…). Drug development strategies based on those finding will be discussed.

Please find more information at www.biofit-event.com/hosted-events/siric-oncolille-symposium

AFSSI Conference
From 29th November to 1st December
Organised by AFSSI, the French Association of Outsourcing and Innovative Companies, the AFSSI Conference gathers over 100 French entrepreneurs in R&D Life Sciences, big company decision makers, academic research leaders, governmental regulators and investors to design the best relationships within the new landscape of industry R&D cooperation.

The focus of the conference: The growth of small and medium “technology” companies driven by the need of biopharma companies to improve research at a limited cost and by the need of academic organisations to advance research programmes to maturity.

Building on the previous symposia organised by AFSSI at BioFIT 2014 and 2015, the meeting concentrates on:

  • Highlighting AFSSI Members’ (Life Sciences R&D service providers) solid and complementary expertise (recognized as the leading French research centre)
  • Building sustainable relationships between industrial life science R&D stakeholders
  • Benchmarking similar European R&D provider networks

Please find more information at www.biofit-event.com/hosted-events/afssi

30th November and 1st December
Organised in partnership with the Licensing Opportunity Presentations at BioFIT, TechnoMarket is an event created by Réseau SATT (the the French TTOs association) to discover innovative technologies from public research. TechnoMarket offers a range of opportunities, including:

  • Detecting the most promising technologies and platforms,
  • Targeting needs and new industrial challenges,
  • Creating new exchange opportunities to enable companies to increase their development and meet the innovation network with decision makers and key partners of the industry sector.

There are three possibilities for discussion and exchange:

  • Thematic expert presentations to introduce new uses and think about the way to prepare for tomorrow’s challenges
  • Pitch presentations and poster exhibition to explain technologies
  • BtoB appointments to exchange about the issues addressed in more depth

TechnoMarket aims to match TTO’s needs for alliances and business development opportunities, centred on innovative projects related to human or animal health in the following categories:

  • Oncology,
  • Infectiology/Vaccines,
  • Cardiology and Neurology.

The technologies presented will be selected by an expert committee, with a call for applications issued to French and European transfer structures.

Please find more information at www.biofit-event.com/hosted-events/technomarket



Vincent Tavernier

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