Dmitrij Hristodorov


Dmitrij is a core member of the investment team working on new investments across funds and therapeutic areas. Through his previous roles within R&D and Business Development at Bayer Pharma in Ophthalmology and Cardiovascular Diseases, he is actively contributing with his expertise to driving and supporting new and existing investments in these areas. Via involvement in creating the CNS company VectorY and anti-viral company Covicept, his portfolio involvement covers various stages, treatment modalities and diseases.

Dmitrij currently serves as a board member for Oxular, ARMGO Pharma and Complement Therapeutics, and as a board observer for VectorY. He previously served as a board observer and R&D committee member of Gyroscope Therapeutics that was acquired for up to $1.5BN by Novartis in December 2021.

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