Eric Wyart

Operational Director
BelgiumRéseau LiEU

Eric Wyart is the Operational Director of the LiEU Network, the network of technology and knowledge transfer offices of the French-speaking universities in Belgium (TTO/KTO). After completing his engineering degree from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, he began his career at Cenaero when the centre had just been created in 2002. He completed his doctoral thesis on the industrialization of crack propagation computation methods for aeronautical structures under the supervision of Professors Pardoen and Remacle at the Université catholique de Louvain.

Subsequently, he was successively in charge of the Metallic Structures & Processes and Computational Multiphysics Software Development teams at Cenaero. During this period, he contributed to the setting up of regional and European projects while pursuing actions to promote and raise awareness among companies. Activities he led until his departure for the R&D center of Plastic Omnium where he was in charge of the multiphysics design platform dedicated to fuel tanks.

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