14th edition


December 2nd & 3rd, 2025


December 8th ,2025


Jacky Vonderscher

FranceENYO Pharma


Biochemist by training, (INSA-Lyon 1977; Geneva University 1986), Jacky Vonderscher has 30+ years of senior executive experience in Big Pharma.


In 2013, he created his own consultancy company (Vonderscher & Co GmbH) and co-founded ENYO Pharma a Start-up Biotech focused on Drug R&D inspired by Viruses for infectious and non-infectious diseases.


Most recently he was Senior VP of Translational Research Sciences in USA and Switzerland (2010-2012) and Senior VP of Molecular Medicine Labs (2008-2010) for ROCHE.


Previous to this he has held several senior positions with NOVARTIS in the USA and Switzerland between 1979 and 2008. In 1995 he was recognized for his leading role in the discovery and development of Sandimmun Neoral®.


He is co-inventor on the first patents of Mycophenolic Acid Sodium salt (Myfortic®) and of Everolimus (Certican® and Afinitor®).


He was the first co-director of the Predictive Safety Testing Consortium (PSTC) until 2008.  This led to the first submission of 7 newly qualified biomarkers of Drug Induced Kidney Injury to the FDA and EMA in a joint VXDS (Voluntary eXploratory Data Submission) which were approved by the FDA for regulatory decision making.  Between 2007 and 2012 he was also participating to the IMI (Innovative Medicine Initiative) inception and overview board as member the RDG (Research Directors Group) of EFPIA. Since 2017 he is also Board member of EBE (European Biopharmaceutical Entreprises).


He is currently Board member of Inatherys , ObsEva, Step Pharma and Scientific advisor to Inotrem.

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