You are a bioentrepreneur seeking new challenges or you are looking for a passionate CEO to lead your project?

If so, the Project – CEO matchmaking is made for you!

As talented CEOs are frequently sought-after by many players in the biotech industry, the Project – CEO matchmaking activity aims to connect representatives of emerging start-ups, technology transfer offices, incubators, and investing networks with CEOs and aspiring CEOs.

 Find the perfect match:
• Any incubatortechnology transfer entity or scientific founder looking for an entrepreneur to lead their innovative projects is welcome to participate in the matchmaking activity to meet with qualified candidates!
 You will be visible on the partnering platform, to be contacted by potential CEOs.

• If you are a bioentrepreneur looking for a new project to undertake: 
→ Projects looking for a CEO will be visible on the platform and easily identifiable.

Get inspired: 
Having the right team is essential for the development of a biotech project. The Project – CEO matchmaking activity also offers a conference session to get inspired and explore the best ways to find the right talents for a successful project:

Biotech start-up governance:
What makes a good foundation for a company to deliver and grow?

Not registered yet?

Benefit from exclusive discounts with the Early Bird offer,
valid until July 20th, 2023  



Vincent Tavernier

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